With the collaboration from the Fire Department from Seria, Brunei, a Fire Marshall training session was conducted to enhance the capabilities of our personnel regarding fire safety.

Our first 2019 Healthy Life Program kicked off with the theme “Dance and Love Nature” at Lumut Beach. This outdoor event started with 30 minutes of Zumba exercise and followed by beach cleaning campaign to raise awareness on the impact of un-biodegradable rubbish to the environment.

A fire drill was conducted on premises. The drill was successfully performed without incident.

We celebrated cultural night for our 2018 Annual Dinner to commemorate the diversity in our workforce and show appreciation to long service staff who have been working with the company for 5, 10 and 15 years.
There were performances from staff to lighten up the evening and the night ended with a heartfelt Thank You speech from our Managing Director.

A fire drill with a simulation of an electric shock was conducted on premises on 11 December 2018. The drill was successfully performed with the cooperation from the Fire Department and Medical team from Seria, Brunei.

As part of our Healthy Life Program, our team went to the Anduki Park to take part in various physical exercises and games.

The Blood Donation Campaign was carried out on 8 June 2018, Friday at our E & I Division, Staging Area. It was conducted with the Blood Donation Department from the Hospital Suri Seri Begawan, Kuala Belait.

As part of LFS I.A. Year 2016 HSSE Plan, an Emergency Response Exercise was conducted on 5 September 2016 on premises. The emergency alarm was activated at 9:40 and took 6 minutes 17 seconds to control the situation.
The objective of this exercise was to enhance the capabilities of our personnel through simulated scenarios and lesson learnt captured. This exercise was conducted jointly with Seria Fire Department personnel as well as Paramedic from Sungai Liang Clinic. A total of 32 personnel from LFS I.A. took part in this exercise.

The Blood Donation Campaign was carried out on 8 June 2018, Friday at our E & I Division, Staging Area. It was conducted with the Blood Donation Department from the Hospital Suri Seri Begawan, Kuala Belait.

In our strive for personnel development in specialized skills and enhancing further business opportunities. High Voltage cable terminations up to 245kV was conducted in our workshop area during 1st – 3rd December 2015 by Pfisterer (Germany) and participants were successfully certified.